Hekmat Karzai

Hekmat Karzai
Born Kandahar
Nationality Afghanistan
Known for security expert

Hekmat Karzai is a citizen of Afghanistan who is a former academic, former diplomat, and is the founder and director of Afghanistan's Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies.[1][2] He is a former RMS Fellow at the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research in Singapore. He is currently a senior fellow at the East West Institute.

Afghanistan's new President Hamid Karzai appointed Hekmat Karzai Head of Afghanistan's Washington Embassy's Political Department in May 2002.[2]

Hekmat Karzai is a cousin of President Hamid Karzai.[3] His father, Khalil Lula Karzai, was allegedly killed by another relative Yar Mohammad Karzai in Pakistan in the early eighties. He has an elder brother named Hashmat Karzai.[4]


  1. ^ "Mr. Hekmat Karzai". Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies (Afghanistan). http://www.caps.af/staff/hekmat.asp. Retrieved 2010-03-21. 
  2. ^ a b "Hekmat Karzai". East West Institute. http://www.ewi.info/hekmat-karzai. Retrieved 2010-03-21. "Mr. Karzai has appeared on BBC World Service TV, CNN, CNN International, Fox News Channel and C-Span’s Washington Journal, among other media appearances." 
  3. ^ Barnett R. Rubin (2006-09-17). "The Death Of an Afghan Optimist". The Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/15/AR2006091500993.html. Retrieved 2010-06-30. "Hekmat Karzai, a cousin of President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, called me from Kabul last Sunday." 
  4. ^ JAMES RISEN (December 19, 2009). "Afghan Killing Bares a Karzai Family Feud". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/20/world/asia/20karzai.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all. Retrieved 2010-06-30.